Sunday, February 5, 2012


What am I into today?

Waffles. Okay... so this was breakfast yesterday.  And lunch.  But they are SO good!  And really, they are not hard.  You need 2 bowls.  One larger and one medium size.  You also will need a hand mixer.  No, your kitchen aid will not do it this time.  A hand mixer.  With beaters and what not. I like mine because it has a retractable cord. Seriously, that's why I bought the one I did.  For the retractable cord so it can't get all tangled up in everything.  Sorry... waffles.


4 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 stick melted butter
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups milk
2 tsp baking powder

Here we go:

First separate your eggs.  You want the whites to go into the smaller of your two bowls.  Put the yolks in the larger one.  Now beat them.  A lot. You want soft peaks.  This means that you beat them until you get small little peaks like this.  This is what I got when I lifted my mixer.  :)

Set these aside for a little bit.

Next, dump the sugar onto the yolks.  Beat them until they are light yellow.  Maybe 45-60 seconds.  It's a feeling I get.  I'm terrible about timing things like this.  This is about what they should look like.  Now, put the beaters in the sink and put your hand mixer away.  You are done with this tool for this recipe.

Time to add more stuff.  Add your 2 cups of milk, your melted butter and your vanilla.  I very rarely ever measure my vanilla.  I use the imitation stuff too.  I'm not a fan of true vanilla extract.  I grew up on the imitation stuff and I prefer the flavor.  Just my thing.  I squirt in the vanilla until I think it's enough.  LOL

Mix all this together with a hand whisk.  If you use your hand mixer, you will just spatter your kitchen with waffle mix and it will just be a mess to clean up.

Now add your salt, baking powder and flour.  Many recipes tell you to sift these ingredients together to prevent clumping.  Okay.. whatever.  I never have clumped salt and baking powder in my stuff.  It's just another bowl to wash if I do that.  So I don't.  Your batter will look like the picture below.  A little lumpy and kinda thin still.  That's good.  Now put the whisk away. 

Lastly, fold in your egg whites with a spatula. I like to use my larger one that's kinda like a spoon too from Pampered Chef.

Now it's time to cook!!!  Drag out your waffle maker from whichever corner of your kitchen you stash it in.  Plug it in and get it warmed up.  This is mine:

I think i got it from Bed Bath and Beyond, but I'm not sure.  It makes one large waffle at a time.  You open the top. pour your batter on top and then close it and rotate it.  It's been the best waffle maker I've ever had.  I can adjust the darkness so it will cook a little longer or less before the ready light comes on.  Follow the directions on your waffle maker.  I use that spatula/spoon to put 3 scoops of batter onto my waffle maker.  I only spray it every 3rd waffle with non stick spray like Pam.  Any more than that just makes things sticky around the edges.

And here you go.  Done.  Ready for whatever toppings you like!

Our family is traditional.  Butter and Syrup.  But you can certainly use whipped cream, fresh fruit, or whatever your heard desires!


Happy Sunday!

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