Friday, February 17, 2012


What am I into today?

Organization.  I NEED to get myself organized.  This needs to start in my shed.  I want to make this a semi-studio for myself.  Anything that needs to be stored, needs to go on top.  Things that I can/will use in my 'studio' will stay on the bottom.  This means getting rid of things that aren't mine in there, and re-arranging as well.

I will admit it.  I'm a collector of stuff.  Just stuff.  Things that I have a hard time giving up.  Things that I might use when the kids are older.  Or things I can use if we have another baby.  For me, it's hard to give up that 'stuff.'  Whether my mom and dad like it or not, I learned it from them.  And it's an extremely hard habit to break.

All of my fiber and yarn things are a good collection.  They are useful and are used on a regular basis. 

That collection of jars and bottles from various sauces?  Not so much.  I need to learn how to reduce the amount of stuff and only keep the things I need or can use in a reasonable amount of time. 

There are also things in my shed that just straight up aren't mine.  There's a rocking chair in there that takes up a large amount of space that is Grandma's.  We have no place in the house for it.  It's not even comfortable to me.  But she doesn't want to let go of it. So, it ended up in my shed, taking up precious floor space.  Mark is taking it out tonight and he's going to stack it, somehow, in her side of the garage.  I have no clue how he's going to do it, but he is.  It should be interesting. 

I did recently give a huge bag of yarn to our cousin Colleen.  She's using it for a yarn bombing project at her daughter's school.  I told her I didn't want it back.  It was yarn that was given to me through an estate sale that my in laws went to.  I used some of it, gave some away, and I still had a ton.  Most of it I could not use though.  At least I know it went to a good cause.  :)

So, join me in my organizing today.  Take 10 minutes to organize that junk drawer or take 30 minutes to go through your closet and get rid of the clothes you haven't worn in 2 years.  I'll be spending HOURS outside in my shed today, and hopefully, getting a lot accomplished.  :)

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