Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday, Monday

What am I into today?

Recovering after the weekend.  Seriously.

First things first.  Mark's party was awesome!  We had a blast!  Good times, good food, great company!  You can't ask for more!  I was in the kitchen ALL day on Saturday, but it was totally worth it!  I made my homemade hot dog buns.  These came out wonderful!  Here's a pic of most of them all stacked, cut, and ready to eat.  My family 100% approved!  I had plenty left over so I gave some away, and the rest we will have tonight with leftover hot dogs.

I also had left over baked beans.  Also, delicious.  And some leftover coleslaw. To be honest, it was not more than 6 months ago that I realized that I LIKE coleslaw.  Until then, I just thought, "I don't like cabbage so why would I like coleslaw?"  Ha!  Now I love it! 

Lastly, I also had some of the individual 7 layer dip cups.  My family also loved these!  They thought it was so ingenious.  I was honest and said I found it online, but they still loved it.  Here's a pic of mine.  Mine are not as pretty as the ones in the link, and I didn't have olives on hand, but they still came out nice.

As I was making the dip cups, I was thinking, "Wow.  If it weren't for the salsa, these would be really good!"  I'm not a salsa fan.  Never have been.  I really don't like spicy at all.  In that sense, I'm not my mother's child.  The hotter the better for her!  Mark also likes things spicy and hot hot hot! Not me... if it's even mildly spicy, I'll dump sour cream on it!  LOL

I did also make a homemade lemon cake that Mark asked for, and that was gone for all but 2 pieces by the end of the night.  Yep... I was a busy Mama that day!  Because inbetween all that, I was taking care of my kids and getting the house cleaned up a bit and moving the kitchen table around and blowing up balloons, and what not.  Yeah.  Busy.

Yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday.  Anyone watch the game?  We were at my inlaw's for the game and we enjoyed the company.  It was a good game, but since I'm not that into sports, I really couldn't tell you much about it.  Good food though!  ROTF!

Today? Today, Austin goes to school, then Mark and I, along with Audrey and Cody will be going out to breakfast with my awesome inlaws.  Then we will hang out to go pick Austin up from school.  Come home, get the kids down for naps, and in a perfect world, take naps ourselves.  HA!  We'll see! 

Dinner is leftovers.  Thank goodness.  Easy peasy.

Tomorrow?  Tomorrow needs to be a crafting day for me.  I'm craving it.  I NEED it!  More on that later! 

Happy Monday!

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