Thursday, January 19, 2012

January 19, 2012

What am I into today???  So frustrated that somehow, I just pushed a button on my keyboard that deleted my entire post I had already written. How does that happen?

I'm taking Audrey in today for a recurring ear infection.  I get to take all three kids with me.  Have you ever taken three kids to a doctor's appointment and at at any given time, 2 of them need your undivided attention?  Yeah... that's me today.  Good times.

I made my Crock Pot Split Pea Soup with Texas Roadhouse Sweet Yeast Rolls for dinner last night.  The soup was delicious.  The rolls were amazing.  And even after turning his nose up, and me encouraging, "Just try it.", my husband decided that the honey cinnamon butter was really really good too!  I bet you thought I was going to say "Just try it." to my kids huh?  I do... but sometimes I have to remind Mark to be a good example for them and try something new.  The rolls were so good that Mark got his sandwiches for lunch on them today.  Ham and cheese with mayo and mustard.  I'm sure they are going to be very yummy and filling!  (By the way, when you click the links, if you are not in Pinterest yet, you can let me know and I'll send you an invite.  Also, look at my comments on the pics there.  I leave myself notes there so that I know what I did the same, different, or just a general comment of if we liked it or not.)

What else am I into today?  Weaving.  I really need to get my triangle loom out and get working on a project for a baptismal gift.  Mark made me my loom for Christmas and I love it!  When the triangle comes off the loom, I get about an 18" length across the top.  I've asked Mark for a 6" weaving space triangle loom, and he says he will make it for me soon!  I will only get to use it outside due to space, but I don't care!  My kids play outside for at least an hour or two a day, and a lot more in summer.  Right now, we wait until 10ish to go outside, sometimes later.  In summer, we can be outside at 9am and not back in until lunch at noon, and then back outside again right after nap for another 3 hours.  :)  But, back to my weaving.  Here is a pic of my loom with a work in progress (WIP) on it.  This is not what I'm making for the gift, but you get the idea at least.

Have a great day everyone!  

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