Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 18, 2012

What am I into today?  Frustration.  My baby boy, Cody, has pink eye.  That means a ton of laundry tonight after he's had his 3rd dose of drops.  Fun fun.  And, Audrey's ear infection did not clear up with the shots of antibiotics last week. (3 days in a row at the doctor's office and two of those days two shots, one in each leg for her).  UGH!!!  So, we're going to go back to her doctor tomorrow when she's back in the office and see where we go from here.  Audrey's basically had an ear infection since December 12th.  3 rounds of oral antibiotics and 2 sets of antibiotic shots.  :(  My poor baby girl. She shows NO signs at all of hurting though, so that's a blessing.  But still.  UGH UGH UGH!

What else am I into today?

I'm making this:  for dinner.  If you are not on Pinterest yet, trust me, you need to be!  Ask me for an invite and I'll send you one so you can start pinning.  You ask?  Why do I need that?  Because it's basically an online bookmarking site.  Have you ever cleared your cache on your computer and deleted all your bookmarks too?  And a week later, you go to look for that one site that you bookmarked about how to ___________ (fill in the blank), and it's GONE!  ACK!  Yeah.  You know that feeling.  If you pin it instead of bookmarking it, it's there forever!  And, you can search what other people have pinned!!!!  You can get 16 recipes for Split Pea Soup in about 5 seconds, with pictures!!!  And you don't have to search through tons of listings for Split Pea colored pants.  You know it's happened to you.  You click on the picture, then it takes you to a bigger listing of it, and if you really want to look it up, you click the picture again.  Wa lah. Seriously.  In 6 seconds I found a recipe that was exactly what I was looking for.  Need an idea on how to clean your washing machine (yes they do need cleaning too from time to time) search for that.  You'll find an easy way using just a cycle of vinegar and then a cycle of bleach.  Need an idea for a birthday party?  Search your theme, and you've got tons of ideas at your fingertips.  All on one page!!!  Yes.  I probably check Pinterest a couple times a day to see what new things my friends have pinned.  I'll admit it.  I check my FB page, and then my Pinterest page.  Every day. 

Well, I guess I better go get that split pea soup into the crock pot.  Then I'll go search Pinterst for the perfect bread to go on the side.  Have a great day!

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