Friday, March 2, 2012


What am I into today?

Well, first things first.  I ate yogurt this morning.  Not store bought!  MY OWN!  It was so so yummy!  I finally figured out how to get mine to the right consistency on a regular basis. 

First of all, I use this yogurt maker that I got recently.  Remember that box that was unopened for a bit?  And I had you all guess?  And no one guessed????  Yeah.. you remember.  That one.  My yogurt maker was inside.  :)  This is just another step towards me decide how many preservatives and other crud that they put into food these days, goes into my family's bodies.  It's a small step, but a good one.

It's really very simple.  You heat your milk to 185.  For me, I have a really hard time getting it to 185 without boiling, so I tend to let it heat until it foams up, and then I turn the heat off.  So far, this has worked for me.  Then you have to let it cool, or use an ice bath, to cool it down to around 110-115.  Then you add your starter (for me, this is a store bought yogurt) and then I spoon it into the glass jars, and put it into the yogurt maker.  That's it.  4-6 hours later, it's done.  I do add honey and vanilla to mine for sweetness and flavor.  No one here likes plain, and we add fresh fruit to it just before eating. 

It comes out looking like this:

Yep.  I already took a bite.  But you can see by how my spoon is cutting into it, that it's nice and thick.  Very creamy.  Personally, I don't even need to add fruit to make it taste good.  It tastes good just the way it is. :)

Otherwise?  Tonight is the fish fry at St. Gregory's. It's pretty much the BEST fish fry around, and I'm not just saying that.  I've run into people from lots of other parish's there because it's THAT good! Even Mark's cousin is coming with her girls from Los Angeles to go to OUR fish fry because it is THAT good!  I believe there is at least 12-15 of going tonight.  I may be under estimating though.  LOL  Then we will all head back here for a fire outside!

Tomorrow?  I can't guarantee a post.  We are going out on a boat that my brother in law, Greg, is renting, and I will be running around trying to get us ready to go tomorrow morning.  At least I'll post pictures of it next week!!!!

Happy Friday and have a Blessed Weekend!

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