What am I up to today? Pretty much nothing. Just normal stuff.
Feed the kids. Feed Cody. Get everyone dressed. Set the timer for every 20-30 minutes for Audrey to try to go pee on the potty. (If she would SIT there for more than 30 seconds she would actually go I'm sure!) Take everyone outside to play for a couple hours since it's going to be a beautiful day. Crud.. that means taking everything out of the pack and play and taking it down so that I can take it outside. phbttt.
Take my spinning wheel outside and spin some yarn. I never did get to spin yesterday. I ended up going to Target with my mom and the kids instead. It's all good though.
I did get my bread made yesterday, and I ordered my yogurt maker. I don't know about your family, but we can go through 2-3 containers of yogurt a day! It's crazy! I have a friend who makes her own yogurt and she said it's easy and her yogurt maker paid for itself in 8 batches. This thing makes 7 containers at a time. So, if we went through 3 a day, the yogurt maker will pay for itself in less than 2 weeks. Yep. Sounds like a good thing to me! I can make whatever flavors I want, make it from fresh ingredients, control the amount of sugar that goes into it and provide an overall healthier option of yogurt for my family.
What do you do to provide healthy foods for your family?
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