What am I into today?
First, figure out breakfast for my family. Probably french toast. It just sounds good. French toast with homemade bread and fresh eggs from your chickens outside is really really really good... just saying you know.
Next, Church. We go to Mass every Sunday as a family. Yep. That means we take all three kids with us every Sunday. Some people think we're crazy, but I believe we're setting up our children to enjoy Mass and to love Jesus. There are days that are harder than others, but for the most part, my kids are good and act their ages at church. We sit in the cry room for now, and once they are just a bit older, we will go back out into the main body of the congregation. For now, our tricks are fruit snacks and stickers. I don't mean a sticker as a reward, I mean a whole sheet and a piece of paper. It usually keeps them going for 10-15 minutes all nice and quiet so I can hear what Father Ike is saying. Oh.. and did I mention that I serve at Mass too? I'm a Eucharistic Minister when needed, a lector when scheduled (or needed) and I also am helping to launch "Little Church" which is bringing the Word of God down to kids level. I'll talk more about Little Church another post.
After Church, we'll be coming home and hopefully relaxing! I NEED to craft! I don't just WANT to, I NEED to! I haven't been able to do anything in the last few days, and I feel the stress of it. Crafting in all my ways is relaxing as well as stress relieving for me. When I craft, I can be creative and free in my crafting which releases pent up tension and allows me to rejuvenate myself.
Question of the day: What do you do to relax and rejuvenate?
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