What am I into today?
Day one of making Mark breakfast in the morning: FAIL
I remembered I was going to do it as I was shooing him out the door to get to work on time.
Take two tomorrow.
Today, I'll be working on photographing some of my fiber art items and carding some new batts as well as listing said items in my Etsy store. Money is extremely tight in our household and I need to really try to make a go of my little side business.
It's going to be a beautiful day here today! Should be around 75 which I find is PERFECT. Nice enough to let the kids play outside for hours while I work on my stuff in my shed/studio. I'm really trying to make my shed into a working space for myself... but it's hard when there's all sorts of stuff in the way. It will happen. Just not overnight.
We went to Ash Wednesday Mass last night. Oh my word! You would not believe how many people showed up for the Mass last night! There were more people at that Mass (and we had 5 or 6 opportunities throughout the day to recieve ashes) than I see on a normal Sunday. People who don't even go to Christmas or Easter mass, show up to receive ashes. It's CRAZY!
I really liked what my Pastor had to say in his sermon last night. First, he asked if we remembered what we gave up for Lent last year. He told us that whatever we decide to give up, should be something that helps us grow in our faith and grow closer to God. Just giving up chocolate is not what it's about. It needs to be something you do to better yourself. Basically. I like that. Which is why a couple of years ago, I had decided to start doing something extra, vs just give something up. I gave up fast food once. And it was good. But did it last? No. Did it really help me grow closer to God? No. Will exercising 15 minutes a day help me grow closer to God? Yes. IF I use that time to also pray. Will making breakfast for Mark help me grow closer to God? YES! It will give Mark and I a few moments to pray together and thank God for our blessings first thing in the morning. Will both of these things be hard? YOU BET! Are these things I can continue to do after Lent is over? YES! That's what makes it a good thing to 'give up for Lent' vs just giving up chocolate or beer or TV.
This is also another reason why I LOVE teaching my pre-baptism class and why I LOVE doing Little Church. Each of these ministries help bring me closer to God. I learn something from my pre-baptism class every time I teach it. I have a better understanding myself of what baptism means for me, my children, my godchild, and for those around me. You would think after teaching it for 2.5 years, I would already understand baptism. I do! But I gain a BETTER understanding and more knowledge about it every time. Teaching kids in Little Church is another way to grow in my own faith because I'm teaching about it. I learn more about my own faith as I'm teaching kids about theirs. I love how it works out!
How are you growing closer to God in your own walk of faith?
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